Saturday, 3 October 2009

The Way Forward.

We are pleased to see other (legitamate) bodies calling for the establishment of a Museum in Barry. As that only serves to support our 17 year calling for such an establishment.

For us, to build an independent collection capable of working with, was our first aim. Without a collection. We could not have a museum, an archive or anything that goes by a similar name. We began our journy in 1993. We had charity status by the mid 1990s. Two succesful first time small lottery grant applications under our belt by same. In ten years we had watched our local history collection grow from one six foot table to needing one hundred, with much still left in storage. That was 2000. So you can imagine what we have today in 2009.

With that in mind we would like to be moving our project foward. To find somewhere we could house, permanently in Barry, the extensive local history collection we hold. Sitting round a table, just covering the old ground is not progress. Barry deserves better than to be starting from scratch. Thus our appeal to the Barry public goes way beyond scratch. Join our society. Help us. Support us. To permanently home the collection that has a 17 year head start on scratch, in Barry. The collection is real. Its under our direction. Lets get it done.

Anyone that feels, they have the drive, the enthusiasm and energy to take this collection all the way to a permanent home. Join our society, which took thoughts of building a local history collection on paper in 1993, to the physical reality of an extensive real time collection which it is today in 2009. Think progressive with us. Interested. Contact our chairman, Martin. e mail :

Should you now like to see just a fraction of the present local history collection we hold at this time. Please visit our latest online project. Axis Historical Society - Barry Archive. Which can be found at.

Then, when you have seen the reality of what we have to offer. Return to this blog and make your comments here. Action Speaks Louder Than Words. Our way is foward. Come with us. Help our society complete the journy that started. 17 years ago.


  1. Re: While We Wait For A Museum To Come Along.

    It wil never just come along, it has to be made to happen. Others see now as not only the ideal time to promote Barry's past and encompass the future, but also as possibly the last chance:

  2. Most are not aware of your claims, the current people campaigning seem to be making more headway in a few weeks, than you have done in 17 years - not talking here of collections as such but awareness at least.

    Join in and move forward. If you do not add this to your blog and at least discuss, will lose my faith.

    Not knocking, but joining those fed up with waiting and promises.


  3. Sir, appreciate all that you have done and am certain will comtinue to do - No-one is asking to steal your collection and I understand your thoughts on all.

    But, if something is not done now, it: MAY NEVER OCCUR. The opportnity is quickly passing and the developers must be held to provide premises or no development. All else can be discussed and sorted then. You need to join the current discussion / campaign or we should all just give in now.

    Please help or show us the way, lets not wait another 17 years. Go For It Now

  4. We would consider that those truely interested in a museum for Barry. Are well aware of our activities. The Axis Historical Society - Barry Archive site has had 31,665 hits to date.

    Axis Historical Society is moveing forward. And the results of any movement will be discussed here, as and when when we have completed any deliberations and not before. That is the perogative of any charity / business.

    What we find hard to understand is, from the outset of your 'Discussion' you choose to include a threat to lose faith, if we did not publish your comments on this blog. We have nothing to hide. So we willingly publish the full content of your mail. In consequence I feel we now have right of reply

    Why on earth you use threats to get your own way? Baffeles me. Also you publish your threat and comments anonymous. This kind of aggressive tactic to get what one wants. Has only beenn observed by our society around 20 times in 17 years. 9 of those occaisions are down to the individual that chose to commit criminal acts against our society. Pre 2005. Re-examination of your words come across as. Critial, But you want us on board. I ask why? We have not critised any museum campaign. So why the agression. And is the tactic of using threat as a prequal to advertising any campaign for heritage, the right way to go. maybe next time you publish on this blog. And you are welcome to do so.

    However, you may like to choose to publish in your own name. And not anonymous the next time you do. As we are sure the Barry public will be just as intrigued as we are to know the real name the person that feels that they have to use a threat to get comment posted on a blog.

  5. I dont think at the moment you are fully aware of what has been done to heritage in Barry over the years. Tow major projects have been here. 1. Living Archive Centre For Barry And The Vale. It came to Barry with all its promises. It went out like a damp squib. Two major railway societies came to Barry with around half a millon pounds in their pocket. Both have failed.

    Over the last 17 years we were asked to commit to both. We did not. We read the road ahead. Where would our collection be now. If we had done so. Their loss, has proved to us as a small charity that it is dangerous to try to run, before being able to walk. One individual in office. Promotes the ideals of a museum. But in 17 years. Said individual has never been across the doorstep of one of our public exhibitions.

    Have any of my blogs mentioned stealing our collection. Please read carefully. What I have said is that we have been "Ordered" to give the collection that we have raised away to another organisation, lock, stock and barrel? That incident was not the first. We have had a number of attempts like that.

    How about this one. Does anyone know anything about a unit calling itself "Vale Heritage Group".....Its secretary contacted me years ago. Due to your experience in local history she invited me to sit on their commitee.

    What are the aims of this Vale Heritage Group I asked. I was informed that they wanted to become.......The Umbrella Group For All History Societies and Archaeological Groups in the Vale Of Glamorgan. They also had aspirations of wanting a museum for the Vale Of Glamorgan.....I have degree in history. I was taught to objective by the very keen academic staff of the University Of Glamorgan. So I aksed questions......1) If I accepted, who would I would be sitting with on this committee....he answer...I am not at liberty to say at this time. 2) How are you going to stock this museum.......Her answer. We thought you would put your material with ours. ...... 3. I asked what maerial they had that would be of benefit to ours. .....Her answer. I am not at liberty to say. ...... My answer. Then we are not at liberty to commit our charity or its material to a project that does not have answers to our questions.

    W are not talking stealing collections.....We are talking of a number of underhanded attempts to get us to to either commit to projects. Or to give the collection away to another bodies. Beleive me whan I say its happened. Would any chairity give away all its assets after they had done all the hard work was done. I would suggest not. I am also very intrigued by the approaches on our blog site this night. First off. Very critical. Then someone asking for me to show the present campaign the way, or they give up. Please be advised in computer speak......Using ALL CAPITALS in the text of mail is classsed as shouting. Please dont do it.

    There appears to be no pattern or structure to the replies at the moment. Would advise that you give your replies on any subject some thought. You ask my advice. Jumping up and down with aggressive tone and tactics is not going to win the day. You need a clear head if you are going to enter the minefield of heritage in Barry. I know, because I have been there. High level meeings, low level meetings, large and small scale exhibitions. promoting and building a collection, that can already be called a nucleus of a museum for Barry. I have spoken with both Jim Greenway and David Simpson recently. They have my thoughts. Should you wish me to show you the way. Then please listen and read carefully what I have to say.

  6. I am intrigued by the comments, again anonymous of the person who considers "Now" to be a last chance to get a museum in Barry? is it people. Or one organisation trying to get the regognition fro bringing it into being? Need some explanation to why its a last chance? Being objective I would certainly enquire where this line of thought came from......Was it from someone who resides in Barry....or someone out of the country.....If someone out of the country, there is a chance they are out of touch with this town. They really need to study the politics of being allowed to do heritage n Barry at least over the past 17 years before they can state ...Now is a last chance for a museum. The statement reads to me like......"We must have a museum now cause I am still here. Would be interested to hear any explanation of the statement. As would all I think who "Reside" in Barry.

  7. Note before I post, I have to choose a profile: Anonymous is the easy choice out of the list of unknowns. I think the others may have gone for the same.

    It seems also that a fear of Barry's redevelopment and plans for the future are without the said premises. Hence, a request to ensure all occurs now and not wait 17 more years etc.

    I think all are on the same side here, some appear not to want to wait any longer. Regards Sian.

  8. Hi Sian

    I can undersatnd the fears. But at the moment there appears to be a focus on our 17 years. Axis historical Society has not been the ones responible for slowing down the process of a museum for Barry.

    We have tried on numerous occaisons. With a stock of of historical material in hand, to obtain premises. Despiite haveing enough material to fill areas the size of main sports hall of the Barry Liesure. Even then, we have material still storred. There is simply not enough room to show it all at once.

    Did you know there was once a museum in Barry. It was established under the Old Library in King Square. By a man called John Louden as far back as 1910. One hundred years ago. It was established with the collection of a man named John Storie. John Storie was a Botanist, who also had a passion for archaeology. He went on to become, one of the first heads of the National Museum of Wales. His nationality. Scottish. There is a rumour that exists that says his collection was moved to cardiff in 1940 due to threat of air raids. Its whereaboauts now, are unknown.

    There is also a rumour, of a collection of Chinese Dolls. Donated by one Gareth Jones. Son of Edgar Jones (Who was one time head of the Barry County School) Gareth, was assasinated in the 1930s. The whereabouts of the rumoured collection of Chinses dolls. Today. Unknown.

    Having built a collection. Which could be called a nucleus of museum for Barry, as far back as 2000. do you not think we understand, frustration.

    So now lets look at the imediate prospects of a museum for Barry. Constructively. If you are going to put a museum into a newly constructed premises. Lests say on National Museum Of Wales Standards. The cost would be prohibitive. This is not my advice. That is the advice of my main contact, in said Instituation. Hovever, said contact also states. If centered on a local history collection like that which we now hold. A small museum. Run by Axis would be sustainable. One reason, we have the innital history material available. Built in said way It would also be a lot less burden to the local tax payer.

    Museums constructed on the pattern of the NMGW run at a cost of millions of pounds. Even at a local level. Lets not be kidded that it can be done for nothing. That brings me to the present World Wide Econic Reccession. One perosn has stated in our blog that, now, the timeing in right for a museum in Barry. Are Barry residents aware that the World, has been through the greatest economic slump, since 1929. Only the actions of Governments, including our own, by poughing billons of pounds into various sectors, has prevented, to date, the pocket of people in our society, from being completely decimated as in was after the economic crash of 1929. So to get a museum for Barry. There is a need to think outside the box.

    Part 2 of my reply will be posted shortly : )

  9. Part 2 For Sian

    So the question brought to the front is. Would the timeing be right, for a fully fledged museum to NMGW standard to be launched in Barry. Lottery units have stated. They have seen a a downturn in revenue. So knock on effect is a lot less avialble for good causes. The Welsh Arts Council. Agaim due to economic downturn. has has its budget cut. Net result. A lot less financially to go around. Locally, we have seen an a heritage enterprise that came to Barry with around a half misslion pounds in pocket, collapse, through lack of funding. Locally, the loss of the holiday camp at Barry Island, was a devastating blow. To both that heritage project and business there. The closure of the camp began the decline. World wide economic downturn. Finnished the job. We have already had indicators that after the next General Election, there will be cuts in services. Just where the knife will fall. Is uncertain. So is the timeing right, to comapign for a museum for Barry? Its questionable.

    Axis is quite open howver, about what we would wish to do. Use the existing collection we have as a centre core. A permanent home for the collection. One that does not have to be massisve. But able to be seen. That way. The collection becomes the concrete platform, from which to work. I promise to come back to this subject. Once Axis has completed its deliberations with a number of people. At this present time. I hope that satifies the curious for now that Axis is going forward. In the meantime enoy the archive we have built from just a faction of our existing local historical material at : -

    In the meantime, lets all try and find those collections that have disappeared. Let us protect the one we have as people. So it won't do same.


    Chairman : Axis Historical Society
    Local HistoryFor Barry South Wales

  10. PS. Sorry for the typos's. I have had a tiring day. Thats what happens as you gow older lol : )

  11. I am intrigued by the comments, again anonymous: yet sign in myself under the name Barry Docks ?

    lets get real, this is blog land part of the WWW.

    Fortunately, you are attractimg well wishers so far with both relative and genuine comments.

    None appear to be critic's. Barry needs all that may be concerned with both her future and her past. I just pass on sincere greetings and wish every sucess to all future ventures, just would be good if they actually occur,

    Could almost forsee a centre as such, promised by those developing Barry that may if the promise of premesises takes place, coold be a home for many local organisations, Barry has been described recently as a town without a museum........

    Surely, every home still has artifacts and items of interest, the whole thing now is not about collections but premises that all these may be disp;ayed in.

    Campaign now for a multi use centre or settle with feeding the fish, on site, We need premises and they should be provided by the present developers, a few fewer homes and a building for the people.

    Get the building, we the locals can sort the rest, Axis amongst others would be welcome as guests not as the only party abd all would be working for Barry.

    Gavin amd Stacey

  12. Provide a building for the local people or forget any further developmemt / profit.

    A multi-use, visitor centre / museum, visitor attraction, tourist board office, local organisation meeting place, coffee shop, village hall and centre for a community.

    Premises then researched promises, Please.

    Our Heritage of Barry Group.

    A new group backing Axis and others.

    Without yesterday, even the Beatles would have no tommorrow.


    Barry Rocks.

    Mad Donna.
