Saturday, 24 October 2009

No Funds - Missed Opportunities

Its been noted that the Vale Of Glamorgan Council does not have the funding for a museum in Barry at this present time. So, in the meantime, what is the problem of allowing Axis Historical Society to use its existing collection to promote the history of Barry and surrounding area, in a small but effective old style museum as many other villages, towns and cities have around the UK. Good examples. Porthcawl Museum & History Society or lets say Wareham Village in Dorset. I mention the latter because this is the place associated with T.E. Lawrence. Or to the Better informed. Lawrence of Arabia.

We note that Warham does not have to go to the expense of building an interactive museum to tell the story of one of the most famous military men in modern history. And mmm a dance centre built withn it. I some how know the connection for why that would come into context with any plan for an all singing and dancing museum for Barry. Winning over the minds of those in certain positions in our town, certainly springs to mind. That I think a discussion for the future. But for now back to Porthcawl & Wareham.

One comentator has said. "We should Should move away thoughts of museums with objects displayed in dark and dusty cases. Certainly, there are probably many similar establishments to that which I have described above, up and down the UK using established methods that would probably object to their exhibits being described as being displayed in dark and dusty old cases. Did not notice any dust or darkness in Porthcawl or Wareham. They were dam good. Small but effective. With reasonably low cost to the taxpayers of their respective areas.

But at least their history societies have had the right to place the their material on show with the ful blessing of their local authority. So while we wait, what would be so wrong, for Axis not to be allowed reasonable space to show what we have brough together over the last 17 years for the benefit of all in Barry.

Mind you. Perhaps we can understand the line of thought. Just imagine the outcry their might be from locals, if we happened to make a small museum a going concern in the wake of two large scale heritage projects which had taken considerbale funding from local sources, only to fail. I know that one of these projects. Living Archive Centre For Barry and The Vale had at least one grant of £10,000. Mind you, the person employed to run it was on £14,000 a year plus incrimants in 1996 or 97. Considerbale modifications to install what I call a balcony....They called it a mezaneen floor, was also carried out at a cost of thousands.

As for the Vale Of Glamorgan Railway Company. They once offered us the potential use of a Railway Carriage. For the privalage to show our local treasures we would to have to first.....Locate our own funding to restore the railway carriage. Oh yes...and if we wanted electricity we would have to pay for the laying of cable and connection.....Oh and they had a cleaner for their on platform toilets....We would of course have to pay part of of that cost......And would it not be good idea if we did joint exhibitions, so we could pay a share of the publicity costs. ....... Then came the final project killer.....If we had managed all the above......Our history society could have a one year on site lease. Core!!! we said. Our society rejected the plan. We dont think it takes an expert on heritage matters to see why.

So our question remains same realy, with slight modification. While we wait for said all singing and dancing museum to be funded in Barry. Why not let our history society show the extensive local history collection, permanent in Barry. This would raise the profile of are local history. And perhaps we could even generate the interest for the 'Interactive' that 'Might' appear. All at slightly better competative rates? One donation of £10,000 would do nicely. And Axis could could launch at least two educational heritage projects we have in mind. Comments welcomed.

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