Thursday, 12 November 2009

Feather In The Cap History

There appears to be at this present time in Barry, quite a number, ready to do 'Feather In The Cap History', as I call it. To be honest, I feel, by their actions, they want themselves noticed, and not the heritage of our town.

Is it just me, or has anyone else noticed in Barry that as soon as the word 'Museum, is mentioned, some individuals pop their head above the parapit for a short while. Then, once the innitial rush is over, they disapear back from where they came. Sadly some, simply place themselves on a pedastel, that makes them out to be more important than heritage itself.

In my opinion, This is very similar to those who would only seek to use local heritage for personal profit. History for pure profit is of course, quite rightly frowned upon in most good heritage circles. So why is doing history for the sake of longevity for a single (living) individuals name, not judged to equally wrong?

On close examination. History for profit, or doing history for sake of ones own personal imortality, could be argued to be identical twins. There should be no space that sepperates them. They both use heritage as a means to an end. And in the end, through that abuse. Together, they simply serve to devalue the importance of local heritage in Barry. Thus heritage soon becomes a smoke screen / by-product, to the aims of he or she that would wrongly use local heritage in Barry to promote only the personal survival of his or her name.


Chairman : Axis Historical Society
Local History For Barry South Wales
Reg Charity no.1052998
e mail : martinaxis@aol.coom

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