Tuesday, 20 October 2009

A Barry Definition Of A Team Player.

In this blog I will examine what it is to be a team player. One could agree that in most locations around the UK, this is a person willing to work as part of a team. However in Barry, this could be interpreted as someone who is prepared to stay quiet within the team. Even when issues come to the fore that are often quite bazzarr, and not right.

This needs some explanation, so I will put it in simple terms. We caught an indvidual acting in a criminal manner towards our society. Later in 2005, just after my mother's death, a certain well respected gent in our town had an idea for our local history collection. This was to give it away lock stock and barrel to another organisation.

As we are a registered charity it would not have been very productive for us to do as ordered. Yes. It was an order and that will soon be seen. I also chose to discuss the criminal acts that had been committed against our society. The answer I got was. "You mention that mans name in any meeting I broker and I will wash my hands of Axis and get up and leave meeting".

Afterwards, I was quite concerned about his words. One. We had not asked him to broker meetings for us in the first place. And two. Why should such an upstanding gentleman choose to want to cover up the criminal actions of another person through use of verbal black mail. We chose to let the gentleman walk. I dont know, but my defination of team player must be entirley different to his. Mine says, a team player is one that does not have their foot in a number of other camps. That way, my team players, volunteer to put their efforts into Axis Historical Society. This allows us to move forward and ultimately see the extensive the local history collection we hold housed in Barry.

On the other hand, if one has a so called team player that has their foot in a number of camps / organisations around our town. You have to question where their loyalties might be. In our case. This respected gent, was a member of our society, but not a Trustee / Commitee member of Axis. So with a foot known to be in other camps. The motive behind this person wanting to divert the collection from Axis, to a second organisation, to which they may have connection, becomes questionable. For without the collection, our charity, would not hold the substance for its being. Without the collection, we could not look to the future, go foward and achieve. Without the collection. Our history society would not exist.

That being the case, the Trustee's of Axis, quite rightly, reserve the right, to question the motives of anyone that would suggest the giving away of the collection. Lock. stock and barrel, to another body. In the past, present, or future.

On the contents of the blog above. I am more than willing to take and Independent Lie Detector Test. But I would also invite said gentleman, to do likewise.

What would you have done Barry public? Would you, personally given in to such a verbal threat? Would you have given the local history collection that allows us to achieve, lock, stock and barrel, to another organisation on demand? As a small charity, we have invested all efforts, both physical and financial into Barry for over 17 years. So why should not our small charity have the right to show the collection permanently. Thus allowing all who brought the collection together, the right to put a small museum together in Barry, and take credit that is due, following the years of dedication, voluntary contribution, and labour, in support of saving the history of Barry past, for the future? Your comments welcomed.

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